Hidden Monuments

Hidden Monuments was made up of dozens of small bronze sculptures, placed throughout Indianapolis’ downtown in the Spring of 2009. The bronzes were placed in plain sight and in subtle spots so as to not outright conceal them, but require viewers to be observant of their surroundings in order to locate them. The pieces can be found in a scavenger hunt style via “artwork maps” or just happened upon by the causal passer-by. Although affixed with a non-permanent adhesive primarily to prevent natural conditions (e.g. weather) from unseating them, the castings are essentially there for the taking by the audience.

The objects used are the random results of my studio practice. These are the odds and ends and are regarded as valueless or throw-away, so to produce them in an expensive and time consuming process such as cast bronze lends a bit of irony to them. Typically, public monuments are regarded with importance and gravity, whereas these pieces are after-thoughts and of no particular import.

The maps below located twenty of the more than two dozen castings that were placed. At the time of this writing only a handful of the pieces remain in their original locations.